Bulk Product Operations
How to do bulk product operations in the Spree admin dashboard
Bulk Operations
When you have a fairly large product catalog, you’ll likely find it much more convenient to manage multiple products at once rather than managing each product separately.
For that reason, there are a number of bulk operations that you can perform to make managing your product catalog less tedious and time consuming.
Bulk operations can be used to do the following:
Update product statuses
Add/remove taxons
Add/remove tags
To perform a bulk operations, navigate to the Products tab of the admin dashboard.
To bring up the bulk operations menu, simply select one or more products by checking the boxes on the lefthand side of the list.
The menu will then pop up at the bottom of the page.
The menu bar has 3 options to choose from, and display the number products selected.
Set as Active
The first option allows you set all the selected products Active.
When clicking on the button, a window will open up to confirm the action.
Set as Draft
The second option allows you set all of the selected products to Draft.
As above, clicking on the button, a window will open up to confirm the action.
Other Operations (…)
Clicking on the three dots opens a submenu that contains other useful bulk operations.
Let’s take a look at each operation individually.
Set as Archived
Allows you to set the selected products as Archived.
Add to Taxons
Allows you to assign taxons to the selected products.
When clicking on ‘Add to taxons’, a window will appear that allows you to select the taxons you’d like to assign to the products. You can assign multiple taxons at the same time.
Either scroll through and select them from the list or start typing the name to narrow the results.
Remove From Taxons
Allows you to remove taxons from the selected products.
When clicking on ‘Remove from taxons’, a window will appear that allows you to select the taxons you’d like to remove from the products. You can remove multiple taxons at the same time.
Either scroll through and select them from the list or start typing the name to narrow the results.
Add Tags
Allows you to assign tags to the selected products.
When clicking on ‘Add tags’, a window will appear that allows you to select the taxons you’d like to assign to the products. You can assign multiple tags at the same time.
Either scroll through and select them from the list or start typing the name to narrow the results.
Remove Tags
Allows you to remove tags from the selected products.
When clicking on ‘Remove tags’’, a window will appear that allows you to select the tags you’d like to remove from the products. You can remove multiple tags at the same time.
Either scroll through and select them from the list or start typing the name to narrow the results.
Cick Save
Whichever operation you’d like to perform, always make sure to click the blue Save button to save changes.
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