
The Order model is one of the key models in Spree. It provides a central place around which to collect information about a customer order - including line items, adjustments, payments, addresses, return authorizations, and shipments.

Order Attributes

numberThe unique identifier for this order. It begins with the letter R and ends in a 9-digit number. This number is shown to the users, and can be used to find the order by calling Spree::Order.find_by(number: number).
item_totalThe sum of all the line items for this order.
adjustment_totalThe sum of all adjustments on this order.
totalThe result of the sum of the item_total and the adjustment_total.
payment_totalThe total value of all finalized payments.
shipment_totalThe total value of all shipments’ costs.
additional_tax_totalThe sum of all shipments’ and line items’ additional_tax.
included_tax_totalThe sum of all shipments’ and line items’ included_tax.
promo_totalThe sum of all shipments’, line items’ and promotions’ promo_total.
stateThe current state of the order. To read more about the states an order goes through, read The Order State Machine section of this guide.
emailThe email address for the user who placed this order. Stored in case this order is for a guest user.
user_idThe ID for the corresponding user record for this order. Stored only if the order is placed by a signed-in user.
completed_atThe timestamp of when the order was completed.
bill_address_idThe ID for the related Address object with billing address information.
ship_address_idThe ID for the related Address object with shipping address information.
shipping_method_idThe ID for the related ShippingMethod object.
created_by_idThe ID of object that created this order.
shipment_stateThe current shipment state of the order. It takes into account all shipments. Described below in Order Shipment states section.
payment_stateThe current payment state of the order. It takes into account all payments. Described below in Order Payment states section.
special_instructionsAny special instructions for the store to do with this order. Will only appear if Spree::Config[:shipping_instructions] is set to true.
currencyThe currency for this order, eg. USD
last_ip_addressThe last IP address used to update this order in the frontend.
channelThe channel specified when importing orders from other stores. e.g. amazon.
item_countThe total value of line items’ quantity.
approver_idThe ID of user that approved this order.
confirmation_deliveredBoolean value indicating that confirmation email was delivered.
tokenThe token stored corresponding to token stored in cookies.
canceler_idThe ID of user that canceled this order.
store_idThe ID of Store in which this order was created.

Order methods

Here is a list of methods you may find useful:

outstanding_balanceThe outstanding balance for the order, calculated by taking the total and subtracting payment_total.
display_item_totalA “pretty” version of item_total. If item_total was 10.0, display_item_total would be $10.00.
display_adjustment_totalSame as above, except for adjustment_total.
display_totalSame as above, except for total.
display_outstanding_balanceSame as above, except for outstanding_balance.

To see all available methods, please check the Order model source code.

The Order State Machine

Each Order flows through a state machine, beginning at a cart state and ending up at a complete state.

This is the default order flow and can be adjusted or overhauled completely.

More on this topic at Customizing Checkout page.

The default states are as follows:



Initial state, you can treat it as a draft order



Buyer started the checkout process and is on the address step



Buyer has added Shipping and Billing addresses, now he or she needs to select a delivery option



Buyer selected delivery option, now he or she needs to add a payment option

Only available if Order#payment_required? returns true. For most orders it will be true, but if the order is paid entirely with Store Credit it will be false.



Buyer added payment option, now he or she needs to confirm the order

Only available if Order#confirmation_required? returns true



Order was placed. It will set the completed_at date to the current time.

Assuming that an order meets the criteria for the next state, you will be able to transition it to the next state by calling next on that object, eg.

order = Spree::Order.find_by(number: 'R123456')

If this returns false, then the order does not meet the criteria. To work out why it cannot transition, check the result of an errors method call.

Order Shipment states

Alongside the global Order state there’s also shipment_state column which indicates the state of all shipments. Order can have multiple shipments.

shippedall Shipments are in the shipped state
partialat least one Shipment has a state of shipped and there is another Shipment with a state other than shipped or there are InventoryUnits associated with the order that have a state of sold but are not associated with a Shipment
readyall Shipments are in the ready state
backorderthere is backordered inventory associated with an order
pendingall Shipments are in the pending state

For more on this please go to Shipment States page.

Order Payment states

Alongside the global Order state there’s also payment_state column which indicates the state of all payments. Order can have multiple payments.

paidpayment_total is equal to total
balance_duepayment_total is less than total
credit_owedpayment_total is greater than total
failedmost recent payment is in the failed state
voidorder is canceled and payment_total is equal to zero

For more on this please go to Payment States page.

Line Items

Line items are used to keep track of items within the context of an order. These records provide a link between orders, and Variants.

When a variant is added to an order, the price of that item is tracked along with the line item to preserve that data. If the variant’s price were to change, then the line item would still have a record of the price at the time of ordering.


An order can link to two Address objects. The shipping address indicates where the order’s products should be shipped to. This address is used to determine which shipping methods are available for an order.

The billing address indicates where the user who’s paying for the order is located. This can alter the tax rate for the order, which in turn can change how much the final order total can be.

For more information about addresses, please read the Addresses guide.


Adjustments are used to affect an order’s final cost, either by decreasing it Promotions or by increasing it Shipping, Taxes.

For more information about adjustments, please see the Adjustments guide.


Payment records are used to track payment information about an order. Each Order can hold multiple payments, eg. one for each credit card or debit card and one for the store credit.

For more information, please read the Payments guide.

Return Authorizations

An order can have many ReturnAuthorization objects. These records keeps track of which items have been authorized for return and how the user will be compensated — either via exchanging the items or a reimbursement.

Updating an Order

If you change any aspect of an Order object within code and you wish to update the order’s totals — including associated adjustments and shipments — call the update_with_updater! method on that object, which calls out to the OrderUpdater class.

For example, if you create or modify an existing payment for the order which would change the order’s payment_state to a different value, calling update_with_updater! will cause the payment_state to be recalculated for that order.

Another example is if a LineItem within the order had its price changed. Calling update_with_updater! will cause the totals for the order to be updated, the adjustments for the order to be recalculated, and then a final total to be established.