
Many line items & large quantities

Wholesale eCommerce

Differentiate product categories, pricing and discounts per customer or customer segment


This is how Spree helps you grow your wholesale business

Member-only eCommerce

  • Survey customers on sign up
  • Sell only to signed in users
  • Product subcatalogs

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Multi-warehouse eCommerce

  • Sell everything anywhere
  • Smooth partial deliveries
  • Inventory transfers

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Multi-vendor Marketplace

  • Onboard vendors
  • Curate product details
  • Customize storefront

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Multi-store eCommerce

  • One admin dashboard
  • Multiple stores or brands
  • Easy merchandising

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Sell large quantities of several line items to the right audience

Sell to many customer segments through separate storefronts with the right assortment of products

Survey customers on sign up

New customers fill out a form and answer qualifying questions

Multiple stores

Each store with its own layout and branding, products, currency, languages

Product subcatalogs

Each customer sees their expected product subcatalog


Sell more with lower overhead for each customer segment

Boost your sales with customer segmentation while lowering human merchendising costs

Easier product discovery

Each brand or business unit sells through a dedicated storefront it deserves

Higher sales

A better fit between a website and customer segment translates into higher sales

Lower overhead

Less time spent on merchandising and configuration work

Used by over 5K businesses worldwide

Let's use Spree to build exactly what your business needs
