
Next.js Commerce and Spree integration

Spree Commerce is a headless, API-first, ecommerce backend that gives developers limitless UX customization possibilities by allowing them to use the storefront solution of their choosing, whether it be a fully custom job, or a pre-built integration. 

One such integration is Next.js Commerce, the all-in-one React starter kit for high-performance e-commerce sites, built by Vercel. With a few clicks, Next.js developers can clone, deploy and fully customize their own store. Front-end development has never been easier – developers love working with it.

Create delightful online experiences and make data-driven iterative improvements independent from the Spree backend. This way, you can be truly agile with your frontend work while at the same time keeping that Spree upgrade path clean and future-proof.

spree commerce next.js stripe

Next.js and Spree demo

Below you can check out the Next.js Commerce default storefront designs. Feel free to explore the Next.js and Spree demo here: https://spree.vercel.app/.


next.js and spree integration homepage


next.js and spree integration plp


next.js and spree integration pdp

How to integrate Next.js with Spree

For an update-to-date guide on how to integrate Next.js Commerce with Spree, please refer to our developer documentation:


For more information on the Next.js Commerce and Spree integration, please refer to: https://github.com/vercel/commerce

Next.js Commerce also integrates with Vendo Marketplace Platform

Let's use Spree to build exactly what your business needs
