Spree 5 is about to drop! Stay tuned for the official announcement.


Mollie and Spree integration

Mollie is a leading European payment gateway processing payments for 55.000+ merchants across Europe.

The integration of Mollie with your Spree Commerce store can be done quickly and easily following the guidelines mentioned below.

The benefits of using Mollie for your eCommerce business

How to integrate Mollie with Spree

Good news! Now you can use the official Mollie payment gateway for Spree Commerce. This gateway supports all aspect of Spree Commerce and payments can be created through both spree_frontend and spree_api.

Please go to the signup page to create a new Mollie account and start receiving payments in a couple of minutes.


  1. Add the extension to your Gemfile using:
gem 'spree_mollie_gateway'
  1. Install the gem by running bundle install.
  2. Run the installer which takes care of copying migrations:
bundle exec rails g spree_mollie_gateway:install

Configuring Mollie Gateway

Mollie and Spree Commerce Integration
  1. Configure a new payment method (Spree Admin -> Configurations -> Payment Methods -> New Payment Method).
  2. Select Spree::Gateway::MollieGateway as a Provider.
  3. Fill in your live / test API key.
  4. Fill in your hostname. Used for generating the webhook URL and redirect URL.
  5. Select “Front End” in the Display selectbox.
  6. Save and you’re done!

“Because we’re a tech-driven company, but we also have a lot of smaller customers (without access to a developer), we wanted to build a payment gateway which takes full advantage of the Spree Commerce framework. We hope that by making it available to all users of Spree Commerce, it will be the #1 Spree gateway for everyone.” – Mollie

Read more: Better Payments for Spree Commerce

Let's use Spree to build exactly what your business needs
