
ChargeBee and Spree integration

ChargeBee is a subscription billing and recurring payments software. It integrates with the leading payment gateways like StripeBraintreePayPal etc. around the world to let you automate recurring payment collection along with invoicing, taxes, accounting, email notifications, SaaS Metrics and customer management.

The integration of ChargeBee with your Spree Commerce store can be done quickly and easily following the guidelines mentioned below.

The benefits of using ChargeBee for your eCommerce business

How to integrate ChargeBee with Spree

Integration Options 

There are three ways of integrating with Chargebee. Choose the one that works best for you:


This requires nil development effort, and you don’t have to worry about PCI Compliance: our checkout pages are PCI Level 1 compliant.

Checkout via API 

This would require minimal development effort from your end which would enable you to harness the benefits of API integration. Also, you still don’t have to worry about PCI Compliance.

Manual integration using Chargebee API

With our RESTful API , Chargebee can be integrated with your application or website in a custom way.

If you use Braintree or Stripe for a gateway, you could also integrate using the Braintree.js  or Stripe.js  for integration.

Open Source Ruby Gem Package

If you’re building a subscription management system with Ruby, you can use the Open source Ruby Implementation   as a skeleton to handle specific SaaS use cases with Chargebee’s API.

Apart from basic subscription management, the Ruby Gem handles:

Personally, I had an opportunity to work on integration of a Spree based project with Chargebee using the Chargebee-ruby gem.
The gem itself is well-mantained – which is great! I did the integration manually using the Cb REST API. Due to their precise documentation & webhooks feature from their side the whole process went really smoothly. – Nathaniel Nande, Senior Ruby on Rails developer, Spark Solutions

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