If you’re on an older version than 4.3 please follow previous upgrade guides and perform those upgrades incrementally, eg.

  1. upgrade 4.0 to 4.1
  2. upgrade 4.1 to 4.2
  3. upgrade 4.2 to 4.3

Update Gems

Run the following command to update your gems to 4.4:

bundle update

to install the new gems.

Remove gems merged into Spree Core

These gems were merged into Spree Core in version 4.4. All of their functionality is now included in the spree gem so you can remove them.

(Optional) Remove Spree Digital

If you used that gem in the past you need to remove it. Digital products are now incorporated into Spree core and you cannot use that gem anymore.

  1. Remove spree_digital from your Gemfile

(Optional) Remove Spree Wishlist

If you used that gem in the past you need to remove it. Wishlists are now incorporated into Spree core and you cannot use that gem anymore.

  1. Remove spree_wishlist from your Gemfile
  2. (Optional) Remove //= require spree/frontend/spree_wishlist from vendor/assets/javascripts/spree/frontend/all.js
  3. (Optional) Remove *= require spree/frontend/spree_wishlist from vendor/assets/stylesheets/spree/frontend/all.css

Update gems

bundle update

Install missing migrations

bin/rake railties:install:migrations

Run migrations

bin/rails db:migrate

Run install generators

This will copy some files from spree_backend to your application.

bin/rails g spree:backend:install

If you’re using spree_frontend you need to run the frontend install generator as well:

bin/rails g spree:frontend:install

Additional fixes and hints

Make sure that Node is available in your cloud environment

On Heroku, you need to add the node buildpack - https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/buildpacks#using-multiple-buildpacks

Add Spree ActiveJob queues to your Sidekiq config

Spree uses ActiveJob for processing long running operations to not interrupt your web server performance.

If you’re using Sidekiq you need to update your config/sidekiq.yml file and 2 new queues:

  • spree_stock_location_stock_items
  • spree_webhooks

Disabling webhooks

Spree 4.4 introduces webhook events for most of the Spree resources (Products, Orders, Customers, etc). If you wish to disable this globally you can set the environment variable:


If you would like to disable firing webhooks for certain elements of your application you can wrap these methods in a block:

Spree::Webhooks.disable_webhooks do
  ... run your code here ...

Webhooks do not fire on touch events. Webhooks also do not do anything until there is a first webhook subscriber created which can be done in the Admin Dashboard or via Platform API.

Update Spree Dependencies that was renamed

Please change in your codebase:




Read the release notes

For information about changes contained within this release, please read the CHANGELOG.

More info

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contact us via email or through Spree slack channels