
One admin dashboard

B2B & DTC eCommerce combined

All products, customers & orders under one roof for full visibility, insights and control


This is how Spree helps you manage B2B & DTC combined

Multi-store eCommerce

  • One admin dashboard
  • Multiple stores or brands
  • Easy merchandising

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Multi-warehouse eCommerce

  • Sell everything anywhere
  • Smooth partial deliveries
  • Inventory transfers

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Multi-vendor Marketplace

  • Onboard vendors
  • Curate product details
  • Customize storefront

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Member-only eCommerce

  • Survey customers on sign up
  • Sell only to signed in users
  • Product subcatalogs

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One system and dashboard to manage all your eCommerce

All products, inventory, customers, orders managed from a single admin dashboard

Sell everything anywhere

All inventory from any PoS or warehouse available in any sales channel

Cross-channel shopping

Customers buy in-store but get orders delivered. Order online but choose in-store pick-up. Re-ordering and post-purchase service across all channels

Product subcatalogs

Each customer sees their expected product subcatalog


Build the B2B & DTC eCommerce you envision within days

Make all your inventory available to any customer in any channel while avoiding overselling

Sell more

Higher product availability leads to higher sales through higher average order value

From any location

Products in various locations are not gathering dust as they can be sold in any channel

To more customers

Every product can be sold to any customer online or in any of physical Points-of-Sale

Used by over 5K businesses worldwide

Let's use Spree to build exactly what your business needs
