
Sell high-ticket products online

Sell business equipment or supplies online

Add a shopping cart to your B2B product catalog and start selling online to various customer types


Spree helps you sell high-ticket business equipment or supplies

Member-only eCommerce

  • Survey customers on sign up
  • Sell only to signed in users
  • Product subcatalogs

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Multi-warehouse eCommerce

  • Sell everything anywhere
  • Smooth partial deliveries
  • Inventory transfers

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Multi-vendor Marketplace

  • Onboard vendors
  • Curate product details
  • Customize storefront

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Multi-store eCommerce

  • One admin dashboard
  • Multiple stores or brands
  • Easy merchandising

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Streamline your online sales of business equipment or supplies

While respecting your current sales process and differentiating the shopping experience

Sync and manage your products

Sync your product catalog with Spree and manage them using an admin dashboard, a spreadsheet upload, or API sync. Manage all product information for various customer types

Customize your cart & checkout flows

Customize checkout to reflect your business logic. Manage shipping and taxes calculations. Add fees or add-ons manually. Allow a multi-step RFQ process or streamline in a self-serve mode

Manage customers, orders and shipping

Make customer or order adjustments and place orders on behalf of customers. Manage shipping across regions and warehouses. Support partial or full returns and exchanges


Sell more high-ticket products online

Enable your B2B customers of various types to place orders and pay for them online

More online sales

Grow your online B2B sales share while providing an excellent shopping experience

More efficient phone calls

Provide guided selling support to segmented customers that you can identify and service

Less human errors

More automation and visibility with less manual work will make everyone happy

Used by over 5K businesses worldwide

Let's use Spree to build exactly what your business needs
