
Avior and Spree Commerce integration

Avior SutTax offers sales tax determination web service to retailers. With Avior SutTax Spree extension, retailers are able to add accurate sales tax to invoices.

Avior is a tax compliance software provider for tobacco, alcohol, motor fuel, and other industries.

NOTE: The Extension currently only support US based addresses.


Account and Setup

A separate account is needed for the extension and must be acquired directly from Avior, you can contact us here.

Additional fees are applicable depending on usage. To get more pricing info and sign up with us contact:

E-mail: sales@avior.tax
Phone Number: +1 (972)-535-4506

The Avior SutTax extension for Spree Commerce, along with instructions for installation can be found on GitHub: https://github.com/spree-contrib/spree_avior_tax

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