
Selling consumer products online

DTC eCommerce

Sell to online consumers and through multiple Points of Sale with one admin dashboard and full visibility


This is how Spree helps your DTC eCommerce do better

Omnichannel eCommerce

  • Sell online and in-store
  • Manage from a single dashboard
  • Keep all sales channels synced

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Multi-vendor Marketplace

  • Onboard vendors
  • Curate product details
  • Customize storefront

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Multi-warehouse eCommerce

  • Sell everything anywhere
  • Smooth partial deliveries
  • Inventory transfers

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Multi-country eCommerce

  • Sell in any country
  • Accept local currencies and payments
  • Offer localized shipping methods

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Sell everything anywhere with full visibility and control

Sell online and through multiple Points of Sale with one dashboard to rule them all and in sync

One payment processor

Use Square for PoS and all online payments for a unified experience and centralized orders and payments management

Cross-channel shopping

Customers buy in-store but get orders delivered. Order online but choose in-store pick-up. Re-ordering and post-purchase service across all channels

Centralized management

Manage products, orders, payments across all channels. Get omnichannel insights to drive loyalty with discounts or gift cards wherever you sell


Centrally managed omnichannel sales & loyalty

Online sales with Square payments online and in every Point-of-Sale to drive sales and build loyalty

One payment processor

Use Square for PoS and all online payments for a unified experience and centralized orders and payments management

Delightful shopping

Delight your customers with shopping incentives and promotions, delivery options, and post-purchase care

Growth insights

Draw insights on customer shopping habits and offer incentives stimulating repeat buying and increasing average order value across channels

Used by over 5K businesses worldwide

Let's use Spree to build exactly what your business needs
