Ruby on Rails most popular among top Y Combinator companies

Ruby on Rails most popular among top Y Combinator companies

Y Combinator, an accomplished investment fund, and startup incubator has published a list of its top 100 graduate companies ranked by valuation as of October 2019. 8 out of the 10 most valued companies in the ranking were built using Ruby on Rails.

Among the top 10 companies on the list such as Stripe, Airbnb, Dropbox, 8 use Ruby on Rails as their backend framework. In the top 10 only 2 non-software companies opted for another framework. Only one is based outside San Francisco. React is the most popular Javascript framework among those top companies by far. Hacker News commenters agree that Ruby on Rails is great for MVP development, quick iterations and scaling.

# Name URL Backend JS Framework Sector Jobs created YC batch HQ
1 Stripe stripe.com Ruby on Rails Financial Technology and Services 2000 S09 San Francisco, CA
2 Airbnb airbnb.com Ruby on Rails React Consumer Goods and Services 6000 W09 San Francisco, CA
3 Cruise getcruise.com Go, node.js, Python, Scala, Java, C++ Gatsby 2.3.5, React, TweenMax 2.1.2 Automotive 1500 W14 San Francisco, CA
4 DoorDash doordash.com Ruby on Rails Consumer Goods and Services 1800 S13 San Francisco, CA
5 Coinbase coinbase.com Ruby on Rails React 5 Financial Technology and Services 1000 S12 San Francisco, CA
6 Instacart instacart.com Ruby on Rails React Consumer Goods and Services 1100 S12 San Francisco, CA
7 Dropbox dropbox.com Ruby on Rails React 16.11.0 B2B Software and Services 2300 S07 San Francisco, CA
8 Ginkgo Bioworks ginkgobioworks.com PHP Biotech 270 S14 Boston, MA
9 Gusto gusto.com Ruby on Rails React 16.12.0 B2B Software and Services 1000 W12 San Francisco, CA and Denver, CO
10 Flexport flexport.com Ruby on Rails React 16.12.0 B2B Software and Services 1700 W14 San Francisco, CA

Some of the comments on Hacker News, the social media arm of Y Combinator, were:

Source: https://www.ycombinator.com/topcompanies

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